תוכנית הניהול בת ששת אלפי השנים של אלוהים מגיעה לקצה ושער המלכות נפתח לכל מי שחפץ בהופעתו של אלוהים. אחים ואחיות יקרים, למה אתם מחכים? במה אתם חפצים? האם אתם ממתינים להופעתו של אלוהים? האם אתם מחפשים את עקבותיו של אלוהים? כמה כמהים להופעתו של אלוהים! וכמה קשה למצוא את עקבותיו של אלוהים! בעידן שכזה, בעולם שכזה, מה עלינו לעשות כדי להיות עדים ליום הופעתו של אלוהים? מה עלינו לעשות כדי לצעוד בעקבות אלוהים? שאלות מעין אלו מעסיקות את כל מי שממתין להופעתו של אלוהים. כולכם הרהרתם בהן לא פעם – אך מה היתה התוצאה? איפה אלוהים מופיע? איפה עקבותיו של אלוהים? האם זכיתם בתשובות? תשובתם של רבים תהיה כזו: אלוהים מופיע בין חסידיו ועקבותיו נמצאות בקרבנו – אין פשוט מזה! כל אחד יכול לתת תשובה נוסחתית, אבל האם אתם מבינים מהי הופעתו של אלוהים ומהן עקבותיו של אלוהים? הופעתו של אלוהים מתייחסת לירידתו ארצה באופן אישי כדי לעשות את עבודתו. בזהותו ובטבעו, ובשיטתו הפנימית, הוא יורד אל בני האנוש כדי לבצע את עבודת התחלתו של עידן חדש וסיומו של עידן קודם. הופעה כזו לא נעשית כטקס. היא לא אות, תמונה, נס, או חיזיון גדול, וקל וחומר שהיא לא תהליך דתי כלשהו. זוהי עובדה אמיתית וממשית שניתן לגעת בה ולחזות בה. הופעה כזו לא נעשית למען היצמדות לתהליך או למען משימה קצרת טווח, אלא למען שלב עבודה בתוכנית הניהול שלו. הופעתו של אלוהים תמיד משמעותית ותמיד קשורה לתוכנית הניהול שלו. ההופעה הזו שונה לגמרי מהופעת ההכוונה של אלוהים, הנהגתו של אלוהים, והנאורות שהוא מעניק לאדם. אלוהים מבצע שלב בעבודה גדולה בכל פעם שהוא מתגלה. עבודה זו שונה מן העבודה בכל עידן אחר. זהו דבר שהאדם לא מסוגל לתפוס ושהאדם מעולם לא חווה. זוהי עבודה שפותחת עידן חדש ומסיימת את העידן הישן, וזוהי צורה חדשה ומשופרת של העבודה למען ישועת האנושות. זאת ועוד, זוהי עבודת הבאתה של האנושות לעידן החדש. זוהי חשיבות הופעתו של אלוהים.
Let’s read a piece of God’s word “The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God”:
“The work of the Holy Spirit changes from day to day, rising higher with each step; the revelation of tomorrow becomes even higher than today’s, step by step climbing ever higher. Such is the work by which God perfects man. If man cannot keep pace, then he may be forsaken at any time. If man does not have an obedient heart, then he cannot follow to the end. The old age has passed; now is a new age. And in a new age, new work must be done. Particularly in the final age where man will be perfected, God will perform new work ever more quickly. Therefore, without obedience in his heart, man will find it difficult to follow the footsteps of God. God abides not by the rules, nor does He treat any stage of His work as unchanging. Rather, the work done by God is ever newer and ever higher. His work becomes more and more practical with each step, more and more in line with the actual needs of man. Only after man experiences this kind of work can he attain the final transformation of his disposition. Man’s knowledge of life grows ever higher, therefore the work of God likewise becomes ever higher. Only in this way can man reach perfection and be fit for God’s use. On one hand, God works this way to counter and reverse the notions of man, while on the other, to lead man into a higher and more realistic state, into the highest realm of belief in God, so that in the end, the will of God is done. All those of a disobedient nature and with a heart of resistance shall be forsaken by this fast and powerful work; only those who have an obedient heart and are willing to be humbled will progress to the end of the road. In such work, all of you should learn how to submit and to put aside your notions. Every step should be taken with caution. If you are careless, you will surely become one of those loathed and rejected by the Holy Spirit and one who disrupts the work of God. Prior to undergoing this stage of work, man’s rules and laws of old were so innumerable that they got carried away, and as a result, they became conceited and forgot their place. These are all obstacles in the way of man accepting the new work of God and are hostile to man coming to know God. It is dangerous for man to have neither obedience in his heart nor a yearning for the truth. If you obey only the work and words that are simple, and are unable to accept any of a deeper intensity, then you are one who keeps to old ways and cannot keep pace with the work of the Holy Spirit. The work done by God differs across periods of time. If you show great obedience in one phase, yet in the next phase show less or none at all, then God shall desert you. If you keep pace with God as He ascends this step, then you must continue to keep pace when He ascends the next. Only such men are obedient to the Holy Spirit. Since you believe in God, you must remain constant in your obedience. You cannot simply obey when you please and disobey when you do not. Such manner of obedience is not approved by God. If you cannot keep pace with the new work I fellowship and continue to hold on to the former sayings, then how can there be growth in your life? In God’s work, He supplies you through His word. When you obey and accept His word, then the Holy Spirit shall surely work in you. The Holy Spirit works exactly in the way I speak. Do as I have said, and the Holy Spirit will promptly work in you. I release a new light for you to see and bring you into the present light. When you walk into this light, the Holy Spirit will immediately work in you. Some may be recalcitrant and say, ‘I simply will not do as you say.’ Then I tell you that now this is the end of the road. You have withered away and have no more life. Therefore, in experiencing the transformation of your disposition, it is most crucial to keep pace with the present light. The Holy Spirit not only works in certain men who are used by God, but even more in the church. He could be working in anyone. He may work in you now, and after you have experienced it, He may work in someone else next. Follow closely; the more you follow the present light, the more your life can grow. Follow those whom the Holy Spirit works in, whatever kind of man he may be. Take in his experiences through your own, and you will receive even higher things. In so doing you will see growth more quickly. This is the path of perfection for man and a way through which life grows. The path to perfection is reached through your obedience to the work of the Holy Spirit. You do not know through what kind of person God will work to perfect you, nor through what person, occurrence, or thing He will bring you profit and enable you to gain some insight. If you are able to walk onto this right track, this shows that there is great hope for you to be perfected by God. If you are unable to do so, this shows that your future is bleakness and one of darkness. When you walk upon the right track, you will be given revelation in all things. No matter what the Holy Spirit may reveal to others, if you continue on in your experience on the basis of their knowledge, then it shall become your life, and you shall be able to supply others because of this experience. Those who supply others by parroting words are those without experience; you must learn to find, through the enlightenment and illumination of others, a way of practice before speaking of your own actual experience and knowledge. This will be of greater benefit to your own life. You should experience in this way, obeying all that comes from God. You should seek the mind of God in all things and learn lessons in all things, creating growth in your life. Such practice affords the fastest growth.